Meet your 2023-2024
M.A.R.S.P Clare County Chapter
Officers and Committee Chairs


Area 8 Director - Mike Eagan:
Hi! I’m Mike Eagan, your newly appointed Area 8 Director. I retired in 2010 after teaching 34 years for the West Branch-Rose City Area Schools. I was mainly the Agriscience teacher and FFA Advisor with other sciences sprinkled in as needed. I helped organize and chaperone 25 senior trips to Florida. This means I spent over a semester of my career in Florida...with high school seniors!
I was active with the MEA and served as local president for over 20 years. I was Coordinating Counsel C/E Chair and Region 12 Treasurer (all of the EA/ESP units in Clare County belong to the last 2 units mentioned). After I retired I served on the West Branch-Rose City Board of Education for over 7 years.
As Area 8 Director I see my role as the connection between local MARSP chapters and the state organization. The MARSP Board of Directors normally meets twice a year. At that meeting I will provide a written report on the activities and concerns of the Area 8 chapters to the state board and executive committee. I will also receive updates from the state president, executive director and committee chairs. Those meetings are also where MARSP business is conducted.
On a personal note I am married to Amy, a retired social studies teacher from Ogemaw Heights. I enjoy camping and golfing. After I retired I started taking guitar lessons from a retired teacher/guitar player. I consider myself an “old guy who plays a little guitar” and nothing more...but I do enjoy strumming a few oldies.
I look forward to serving as the Area 8 Director. I am best reached by e-mail, mteagan72@yahoo.com.
President - Terry Petrongelli:
If you hear a loud and boisterous laugh, you are probably hearing me, Terry
Petrongelli. I am a retired teacher from Harrison Community Schools, where I was lucky to consider my thirty-year occupation, a vocation. I live in Harrison with my husband, Mike, and we love the “up north” life. Although, we also love visiting (especially during the winter) our daughter and her husband who live in Athens, Georgia. My goal for Clare County MARSP would be to serve the Chapter to the best of my ability.
Vice President - Robin Randall:
After leaving the Clare-Gladwin RESD as their Food Service Provider for 11 years back in July of 2003, I continued to work in the school district as a substitute Paraprofessional for about 3 more years. When my husband Karl retired from Oakland County we moved back to Clare in 2017 and are busy enjoying our grandkids and traveling. I was introduced to our local MARSP chapter 2 years ago and have found I enjoy coming to our meetings and now I am looking forward to serving as MARSP Clare County Chapter’s Vice President.
Secretary - Deb Sherrod:
Beaverton Rural Schools was where I spent my 36 year teaching career. Now I am Focusing on our Local Township where I am the Deputy Clerk and Precinct Chair for our elections. Being detail oriented, working as a team member, and finding ways to do things better when needed are important to me. I am impressed with all the members who are working hard and making our MARSP meetings and activities so much fun!
Treasurer - Fred Schuster:
My Career of 43 years in finance was spent working in both banks and credit unions, mostly in metropolitan Detroit and later Mid-Michigan. For 36 of those years I held the position President/CEO for three different credit unions. Chris and I have been married for over 53 years and have two adult children and two granddaughters. I enjoy reading, stiching, camping, and our new Silver Sneakers membership.
I am proud to be a member of MARSP. My goal for the upcoming year is for our Clare Chapter to continue to be financially strong.
Membership (Past President) - Liz Smith:
I have learned that this position has a lot of moving parts and presents an interesting challenge using a variety of skills. As they say, “You’re never too old to learn new things” and contrary to belief, you can teach an old dog new tricks! I will continue to use my organizational skills and MARSP experience to help school personnel understand what MARSP does for them. I’m grateful that Tim and I can be geographically close to both of our girls and their families throughout the year. Lastly, I hope my continued efforts to encourage our Clare County retirees become Chapter and State members of the MARSP organization and attend at least one of our Membership meetings are successful.
Calling - Chris Schuster:
My goal is to keep members informed about MARSP Clare County Chapter monthly meetings with either a phone call or an email. Greeting each of you and helping you to feel welcome is also a high priority.
Fred and I have been married for over 53 years. We have two adult children and two granddaughters. Our faith, acted out by serving others, is important to us. I enjoyed all 34 years spent as a special education teacher, both in Airport Community Schools in Monroe County and Harrison Community Schools. Travel, especially in our 5th wheel, is a joy for us as we explore interesting places and meet new people.
Historian - Kathy McAndrew:
After retiring in 2007, with 33 years of service to Harrison Community Schools,
I now give my time to the Clare County Board of Canvassers certifying elections.
Dave and I raised two beautiful, strong, and smart daughters who have given us
two wonderful son-in-laws and four adorable grandchildren. My goal for the
chapter is to increase membership.
Insurance - Kathy Laubon:
I am a longtime resident of Harrison and taught Special Education in the district
for 29 years. My husband also taught in Harrison for 26 years. We have two
children who are graduates of Harrison. I am interested and have some concern for
our members and the future of our health insurance. This is one reason why I
volunteered for this position. Being a member of MARSP is important to the
success and growth of our retirement community.
Legislation - Tom House:
I retired in 2015 as the superintendent for Harrison Community Schools after thirty-nine and a half years in public education which included fifteen years as teacher and seventeen years as a building principal. I came out of retirement twice to be the interim superintendent for Farwell Area Schools, twice to work for Clare-Gladwin RESD in the Career and Tech. Ed. Program and most recently as a consultant for an engineering and construction company. Now I keep busy with yard work, gardening and outdoor activities.
My wife, Cathy, is also a retired Harrison teacher. We are both proud of our careers in education and grateful for the opportunity to raise our five children in the community where we worked.
As the legislation liaison for our MARSP chapter, I hope to stay informed about issues that impact education and educators in general and retired educators specifically. I’ll try to communicate those issues to our members and share suggestions and opportunities for advocacy.
Public Relations - Linda Patterson:
I retired in 2010 after working 34 years for Clare-Gladwin RESD as an itinerant speech-language-pathologist. Most of my years were spent working k-12 at Clare Public Schools. I have 8 grandchildren of which the oldest lives in Arizona and the other 7 reside with my daughter and her husband in Missouri. I also have a son who resides in Clare. My husband Bruce & I spend 6 months in Florida in a retirement community, where serve as secretary to our park Chapel. We spend the other 6 months in our home in the Clare area. I like to be of service to others and promoting MARSP through the local newspapers seems to be a good fit for my strengths and interests. I would like to continue to help get the word out about the MARSP organization and what a positive and informative group we are to members.
Chapter Web Page Manager - Sheryl Judd
After teaching 30 years at Beal City Public Schools I moved on to a new career in website management. At this point I am gradually retiring from this career as well. My goal for Clare County MARSP would be for the chapter to become
more visible by participating in public activities, thereby potentially increasing our